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Welcome to Puget Sound Pastures

What we do

Puget Sound Pastures is a data driven breeding operation seeking to improve market traits of Kunekune hog genetics.​ We have sought out stock from the most renowned breeders of Kunekune pigs in the world - The USA Herd, and Ivanleigh Farms in Ontario, Canada.


Our philosophy is results oriented. What is the why, and what is the end game? Every decision we make in our program comes down to one of these two questions.


At the end of the day, consumer experience is of utmost important. If we don't have a desirable product, what do we have? Intense selection pressure is placed on carcass and meat quality traits. Economic traits come thereafter, given that there needs to be a reason for a producer to produce a product!


PSP Genetics

Our Processes

Data driven Kunekune Genetics is what we do!

  • By implementing carcass ultrasound technology, we are able to effectively identify and propagate genetic lines with more profitable and desirable market traits.

  • Tracking feed inputs and correlating growth ability to calculate feed efficiency data.

  • Intensive data collection surrounding maternal traits, such as NBA, birth weight, 21-day LW, and sow herd longevity.

  • Ruthless culling of individuals that do not meet PSP standards.

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About Us

Operated by Mitchell Eastwood with the support of his family. Puget Sound Pastures is fueled by passion for this unique breed, and "making them make sense". Our mission is to produce a line of Kunekune pigs that are profitable, efficient, and durable to thrive in an array of environments. We are currently entering our 7th year of breeding IKHR registered Kunekunes and although gains have been made, there is lots of progress to be made!


In 2022, we partnered with Lori Enright, and the team at International Boar Semen to put the first Kunekune boars at stud for semen collection in North America. These efforts resulted in the first ever Kunekune litters being produced through Artificial Insemination.


Our program is currently working with Trans Ova Genetics in Sioux Center Iowa to produce the first ever cloned Kunekune pigs. Cloned individuals will help us to propagate valuable production traits in rapid manner, and further genetic progress in a timely fashion.


We could not be where we are without the incredible mentors who have supported and helped us to recognize our goals. A few names we have been blessed to learn from are Lori Enright, Tammy Keller, Al Christian, Steven Kerns, the team at IBS, and many others!

The Program

Puget Sound Pastures has sourced its genetics from the World's leaders in the Kunekune Pork industry. The majority of our sows and boars were bred by The USA Herd and Ivanleigh Farms in Ontario, Canada. Our breeding program's core focus is to assemble Kunekune Hogs that are profitable pork producers. Selection emphasis is aimed at optimizing genetic potential for sow productivity, growth rate, feed efficiency, and carcass merit. While the current phase of our program does not allow for the abundant release of seedstock, we aspire for our clients to achieve superior results in their operations.

Owner, Mitchell Eastwood (left), with Mike & Amanda of Eby Boys Transport in 2022, after completing the largest ever import of Ivanleigh genetics into the United States from Canada.


Kunekune Boar Semen

Kunekune boar semen is available in the United States, and ships from International Boar Semen in Eldora, Iowa. PSP offers a guaranteed settle policy to ensure a dependable process for all users - whether first timer, or years of experience!

IKHR Carcass Merit Initiative

Carcass Ultrasound

One of the cornerstone pieces to the selection process at PSP is collecting Kunekune carcass data via ultrasound. Utilizing carcass ultrasound on live hogs provides us information for backfat thickness, loin depth, loin eye area, and IMF (intramuscular fat) or marbling. This data in invaluable for helping us to identify individuals that are ideal for our goals - having more muscle, optimal backfat, and a high IMF %.


The technology has been used in the swine industry for decades, however has only made it's way to the Kunekune breed in the past 10 years. Intensive work has been done at Ivanleigh Farms, who served as the pilot program. Since, IKHR registered breeders have begun participating in conjunction with the IKHR Carcass Merit Initiative.


Swine certified ultrasound technician, Bob Patacini from Missoula, MT takes image to measure IMF on yearling Kunekune gilt.

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